Thank you for supporting Bike Furniture Design. We stand behind the quality of everything we make. Your satisfaction with our products is very important to us.

Please don't hesitate to call us at 906-361-2483, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time with any questions or issues relating to our products. Of course, you can also email us anytime. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Items are shipped from our studios in Marquette, Michigan.
Most of our products are shipped via FedEx Ground. Items too large to ship via FedEx Ground will be shipped via truck or a specialized carrier. In most cases, these carriers will call you prior to delivering your order to arrange a delivery appointment during regular business hours.

All shipments are are shipped to you within 1 day to 6 weeks depending on stock levels and/or production capacity at the time of order.


If there is a problem with your order, please notify us immediately so that we may work with you to arrange a return, replacemen, credit. or refund.
Returns will be accepted if returned within 1 week of delivery date.
Returns must be insured for the full amount of purchase and returned in original condition.
Refunds of the purchase price less shipping and handling will be granted for non-custom items.
Refunds of 50% will be granted on custom items.

All shipping, handling, and insurance will be paid by the customer.